Ignite Your Biz with Prayer – Day 17

Dear Father in Heaven,

Thank You for all You provide for me and for the opportunity to create wealth in my business. I remember Thee, my LORD my God, for the Bible tells me that “it is God who is giving me power to make wealth.” (Deuteronomy 8:18)

I pray that You would fill me with wisdom and understanding as Solomon of old (1 Kings 4:29) and Thy “Spirit, light, understanding and excellent wisdom” as Daniel. (Daniel 5:14) For it is through thy Spirit, light, understanding and wisdom that we gain wealth and succeed.

Father, please prosper me that those around me may prosper as well — that I may bring honor and glory unto Thee.

I ask and pray these things in Jesus’ name,

Ignite Your Biz with Prayer - Day 17

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