Ignite Your Biz with Prayer – Day 65

Dear Father in Heaven,

Thank You for the ideas and insights which You have shared with me. Thank You for the projects, programs and products which I have begun to develop.

Father, please give me focus and wisdom that I may complete my projects in a way that is for Your highest glory and for maximum benefit to those You serve through me.

Give me the ability to do things I currently do not have the skills or abilities to do. Bring to me people, resources, education, and angels to assist me in anything that overwhelms me about my projects. Still my heart. Give me confidence. Help me step out of my comfort zone knowing YOU ARE THERE!

I put my trust in Thee. I see my project completed in my mind’s eye and I know that You shall bring it to pass. For this I give You all the glory and all the honor. For I know it is only
in and through You that all things are possible.

In Jesus’ name I pray.


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