walk on water

Day 31: Walk on Water with Your Eyes on the Master

I woke up this morning thinking about how Jesus invites us to walk on water. Water symbolizes emotion. It’s unstable, it’s certainly not a sure foundation. It’s volatile and the sea is unpredictable.

Our lives get that way sometimes. When you feel like you have no foundation anymore and emotions brim at the surface, keeping your eye on Jesus and realizing He’s right there with you, helping you walk on the water, reduces anxiety and facilitates miracles.

That’s one thing I love about the 90 Day Light The World: Build The Kingdom Challenge. Each morning we ask God one thing we can do to be a light, to build His kingdom. Then we act on the inspiration and opportunities that come. This shifting of perspective to focus on the Master calms our hearts and minds, and before long we’re walking on water. Please join us! It’s incredible!

Have you read the book that started the movement? Get your copy of Light the World: How Your Brilliance Can Shift the Planet.


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