why bad things happen to good people

Why Bad Things Happen to Good People – Day 59: Light the World, Build the Kingdom (Year 2)

Have you ever asked wondered why bad things happen to good people? I’ve spent quite a bit of time pondering that one. I learned something important while writing my very first fiction novel …Character development. Each of us is the hero of our own story and a hero is only as strong as his enemy. Where would Harry Potter be without Voldemort? Where would Dorothy be without the Wicked Witch? Would Colonel Doolittle and his Raiders be the heroes they were without the Japanese?

We only grow through opposition and struggle. I believe we are here to discover the greatness within us and the only chance we have of discovering it is to face the opposition that brings it out. Also, every time we set out to create something bigger and better in our lives, we are attempting to create more order in our world. You can’t take a closet, a home, a life, or a world to a higher level of order without creating some chaos. Chaos is part of the creative cycle.


How the Challenge Works

Step 1: Ask God each day, “What is one thing I can do to light the world and build the kingdom today?”

Step 2: ACT upon whatever He leads you to do. Go through the day EXPECTING for opportunities to arise.

Step 3: Document somewhere — in your private journal or on your favorite social media platform.

Step 4: Share! If you share publicly, please use our hash tags: #BuildTheKingdom and #LightTheWorldNow so I can cheer you on! If you’re going to be documenting privately, I recommend sharing your experience with a close friend or accountability partner. There is power in the sharing.

For ongoing support and a place to share, please join our Facebook group.


Copyright: AntonioGuillem / BigStockPhoto.com

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