your life purpose

Your Life Purpose – Day 55: Light the World, Build the Kingdom

Are you looking for that “one thing” you’re supposed to do with your life? Your life purpose? Your mission? Your quest of a lifetime? It’s interesting how many of us feel we have to find that “one thing.” This seems to be exacerbated by the fact that we have so many different interests, possibilities and choices placed before us in life that it’s hard to pick just one.

What if there isn’t just one thing? Dave and I talk about this concept in our Day 55 video of the Light the World, Build the Kingdom 90-day Challenge:

How the Challenge Works

Step 1: Ask God each day, “What is one thing I can do to light the world and build the kingdom today?”

Step 2: ACT upon whatever He leads you to do. Go through the day EXPECTING for opportunities to arise.

Step 3: Document somewhere — in your private journal or on your favorite social media platform.

Step 4: Share! If you share publicly, please use our hash tags: #BuildTheKingdom and #LightTheWorldNow so I can cheer you on! If you’re going to be documenting privately, I recommend sharing your experience with a close friend or accountability partner. There is power in the sharing.

For ongoing support and a place to share, please join our Facebook group.

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