Ignite Your Biz with Prayer – Day 35

Dear Father in Heaven,

Let Thy light illuminate my path. Show me the roots and rocks that may trip me up that I may avoid them.

Show me the safe path to travel. Please illuminate the opportunities and the ventures that will be for my highest good. Please give me the courage, determination and consistency to follow through.

I lean not on my own understanding and put my trust in Thee.

In Jesus’ name I pray,


Ignite Your Biz with Prayer – Day 34

Dear Father in Heaven,

Please forgive me for the times I’ve doubted, when I’ve ignored Your still small voice and gone my own way. I ask You to apply Christ’s atonement to each and every moment and circumstance in my life where I have not followed Your guidance and have reaped less-than-happy consequences for my stubbornness or unwillingness to hearken.

Please free me from the consequences of these actions or lack of action and set my feet upon the right path. I ask all of this to be done according to Thy will. I put my trust in Thee.

In Jesus’ name I pray,


Ignite Your Biz with Prayer – Day 33

Dear Father in Heaven,

I put my trust and faith in thee. I am ready to step forward in faith and put my foot into the water like the Children of Israel crossing Jordan.

I trust that you will part the waters for me and allow me to cross over on dry ground. Please part the waters of problems, hardships, challenges and distractions in my life and business and
allow me to arrive at my promised destination.

In Jesus’ name I pray,


Ignite Your Biz with Prayer – Day 32

Dear Father in Heaven,

Thank You for guiding the exact people into my life to teach me what I need to know next. Thank You for those who nourish me, who fill my cup, and who bring love and joy into my life. Thank You, also, for those who challenge me, and help me refine my boundaries and my desires. Help me to show gratitude for everyone and gracefully navigate the emotions and situations that arise in my life that involve other people.

In Jesus’ name I pray,


Ignite Your Biz with Prayer – Day 31

Dear Father in Heaven,

Thank you for the simple blessings in my life — the sun, the rain, the beauty in nature. Thank you for each and every sale I make in my business, for each person who looks at my web site whether they purchase from me or not.

Please guide to me those who are ready for the products, services and solutions I have to offer. Please help me make my offerings clear and easy to find so those who are ready to work with me will recognize the value in my offerings.

In Jesus’ name I pray,


Ignite Your Biz with Prayer – Day 30

Dear Father in Heaven,

Please guide me to the people who need the products and services that I offer. Assist those whom I can help to be led to my web site, to my products and services, to my social media pages or my place of business. Make me a blessing to those with whom I come in contact. Help me always to provide increase and enlightenment.

Please bless those who need the products and services I offer to have the funds necessary to purchase from me. Help them to make full use of the items they purchase from me to receive maximum benefit and improvement in their lives.

In Jesus’ name I pray,


Ignite Your Biz with Prayer – Day 29

Dear Father in Heaven,

Please give me the ability to use my time wisely today. Help me act now upon the opportunities and possibilities that surround me. Even if I am not happy with the way things are, and long for a better day, please give me the resourcefulness to make the best of my current circumstances.

Help me to maximize the beauty, goodness and benefit of the things I currently have. Help me be a wise steward of the things you’ve given me in this moment.

In Jesus’ name I pray,


Ignite Your Biz with Prayer – Day 28

Dear Father in Heaven,

Help me see my busines through Your eyes. Help me see the opportunities to be of greater service. Help me see the revenue streams I may not be seeing. Help me see the possibilities that only You can see.

Open my eyes and give me the courage to act upon the things I see. Give me the fortitude to follow through and the determination to stick to things to the end.

In Jesus’ name I pray,


Ignite Your Biz with Prayer – Day 27

Dear Father in Heaven,

Great is Thy wisdom, marvelous are Thy ways. Thy purposes fail not, neither are there any who can stay Thy hand. From eternity to eternity You are the same and Your years never fail.

You are merciful and gracious to those who reverence You, and delight to honor those who serve You in righteousness and truth.

Give me strength and wisdom to praise Thee in every circumstance, to recognize and align with truth and to live in harmony with Your highest plans for my life. Please, extend Thy mercies and grace to me as I seek to serve others in my life and work.

In Jesus’ name I pray,


Ignite Your Biz With Prayer – Day 26

Dear Father in Heaven,

I thank Thee for the opportunities that surround me. Everything I need next to fulfill my highest purpose is right here.

Just like the acorn has everything it needs to grow in the air, water and soil, I have what I need. Please open my eyes that I may see the people, opportunities and circumstances that are right here with me. Activate my mind, enlighten my vision, and help me see my life and business through Your eyes.

Then, please fortify my courage to act upon the things in my environment in a way that would be pleasing unto Thee and lead me to where I need to go next.

In Jesus’ name I pray,
