Dear Father in Heaven,
Thank You for the dream, the vision You have placed in my heart and mind. Thank You for the desire to reach out and serve others with the talents and gifts which You have given me.
Father, You know every piece, part and person that is needed to bring this vision into reality. You placed the dream in me and I know that Your plans can never be frustrated.
I trust that in the perfect time and way You will lead to me the individuals who have the knowledge, commitment, passion and talent to work alongside me. I trust that people I don’t even know and may never meet will be prompted to take actions that would facilitate the fulfillment of my vision.
I know that just as we do not see the swelling and sprouting of a seed in the ground and yet growth is happening, the same thing is happening for my dream. Beneath the surface it is
swelling, sprouting and beginning to grow. Everything it needs by way of nourishment is being brought to it.
Thank You, Father for Your mercy. Thank You for Your miraculous and tremendous capabilities of creation. I put my trust in You. I will not force or micromanage the creative process. I will
keep my heart and mind fixed on the vision and accept Your direction to act when prompted to do so.
And in the meantime I will continue to praise You for Your matchless power, love, mercy and miracles that are happening all around me.
In Jesus’ name I pray.