If I Were Brave

Have you ever asked yourself what you would do if you were completely fearless? What if money were no object, what if what other people said didn’t matter? Or as Jana Stanfield sings in her song, “If I Were Brave”,

What if we’re all meant to do what we secretly dream? What would you ask if you knew you could have anything? Like the mighty oak sleeps in the heart of a seed, are there miracles in you and me? … What steps would I take today if I were brave?

Listen to Jana and share what you’d do today if you were brave! And then do it! 🙂

It’s Not Business, It’s Personal

In my associations with professionals in both casual and business settings, I’ve taken the time to observe human nature. In the process, I’ve found that among those who are spot-on experts, there are two distinct types:

  1. Those who are always “on,” who are polished and can integrate what they do into every conversation. Their elevator speeches roll off their tongues like well oiled pieces of sales copy. Everything stays professional and there appears to be no chinks in their armor.
  2. Then there are those who tend to ask about you first. They show interest in you before they talk about themselves. They too know how to clearly explain their business, but they aren’t afraid to appear vulnerable or have a conversation that doesn’t revolve around business.

Of these two types of individuals, I am naturally drawn to the second group. Why? Because they feel real! They are authentic, and I can relate to them. Sure, they are successful in their businesses, but they still put their jackets on one sleeve at a time like I do.

It is their “human-ness” that endears me to them. Maybe it’s because I’m past being impressed with accolades, fame and awards. In my 20-year business career, I’ve found that it’s much easier to be a business success than it is to be an authentic human being.

Whether we’re talking live events or social media, I see these same types of business people. Time after time, I am drawn to real people who also happen to be successful at what they do. Maybe it’s because up until ten years ago, I was always “on” – always thinking business, dreaming business, talking business. And I wasn’t happy! Life is about so much more than business. It’s those who are authentic and realize that “life is one indivisible whole” (Ghandi) who really make an impact for good in the world.

What do you think?

One Flight Down – Norah Jones and Your Beliefs

I love the soulful voice and melodies of Norah Jones. Sometimes I wish I could play the piano like that so bad it hurts.

Yesterday was the first time I’d heard her recording of “One Flight Down.” At a glance, you look at the words and say, “Well what in the world is that about? Is it just about a song playing in the apartment downstairs?” As I pondered it more, I realized just how incredibly profound it is.

First here’s the song with the lyrics for Norah Jones’, “One Flight Down:”

One Flight Down by Norah Jones Video

One flight down
There’s a song on low
And your mind just picked up on the sound
Now you know you’re wrong
Because it drifts like smoke
And it’s been there playing all along
Now you know
Now you know

The reeds and brass have been weaving
Leading into a single note

In this place
Where your arms unfold
Here at last you see your ancient face
Now you know
Now you know

The cadence rolls in broken
Plays it over and then goes

One flight down
There’s a song on low
And it’s been there playing all along
Now you know
Now you know

Have you ever had an “aha moment” when you realized that your perception of things was completely off base? When you realized you were building your life and making choices on a faulty belief? Perhaps you discovered that there was an underlying statement in your subconscious mind (one flight down) that was affecting you, controlling your actions, “weaving, leading into a single note.” Something like, “It’s hard to make money.” Or “I have to be perfect for God to love me,” or “Everybody’s in debt . . . debt is part of life.”

In this “aha moment” “your arms unfold” and “here at last you see your ancient face” … the old incorrect belief that was there all along. Like a cadence rolling in broken, your mind played it over again, pushing it “one flight down” into your subconscious mind. From there it controlled your thoughts, words, actions and results.

But now you hear the melody… “you know that you were wrong” and with that realization, nothing will ever be the same again.

I don’t know what Norah Jones would say this song is about. But another interpretation could be your life message that is playing like a song in the background . . . put into your subconscious mind from birth that is leading you, guiding you along toward a “single note”… a single message that you were born to convey.  Your “ancient face” could be that eternal part of you that has always existed and in that aha moment, you see who you truly are.

Just because you hadn’t heard the melody playing before, doesn’t mean it wasn’t there. All the while guiding you forward, affecting your life choices and outcomes. Maybe it rolls along broken because of all the gunk we’ve let life put in the way. Then, in that moment you hear the melody and everything changes. 🙂  Ooooh, I think I like this interpretation the best. 🙂

I’d be curious to hear what you think!