The Progression by Dr. Michael J. Duckett

Have you been trying to use the Law of Attraction without success? Or maybe you have trouble reconciling it with your Christian beliefs. It’s my hope that this article will shed some light and provide you with a valuable resource for further study.

Consider with me for a moment that the universe is made up of two main parts:

1)  Fine intelligent matter that will obey thoughts that are impressed upon it by a higher intelligence through focus, faith and feeling. Wallace Wattles referred to this as “thinking stuff” in his book “The Science of Getting Rich.” This intelligent matter wants to move into physical form and is waiting for a higher intelligence to impress its plans upon it — to give it direction.

In Romans 8:19 Paul wrote, “For the earnest expectation of the creature waiteth for the manifestation of the sons of God.”

In Greek “earnest” in this verse means “eager hope” and “creature” means “creation or material universe” and “manifestation” means “revelation.” So let’s reword this verse a bit and substitute these definitions:

“For the eager hope of the material universe waits for the revelation of the sons of God.”

In other words, the matter of the universe is waiting for the children of God (us) to have a new idea or an “aha moment” — an intense, moment of light where we impress our focus, faith and feeling upon the matter of the universe and it can start moving into form.

2) There is a radiant intelligent light that acts as a communication system. It is in all, through all, and brings life to the universe. In essence, it is a hardwired communication system to the intelligent matter.  The matter wants to obey it. The matter trusts it.

Now, I believe the source of this radiant intelligent light is God. God is a personal, literal Being, a Personage as real as you or me. From Him radiates this intelligent life-giving light. It might be referred to as the Light of Christ, the Glory of God, or the Mind of God. I often call it God’s communication system. God then communicates to the intelligent matter to organize and create things.

We, as God’s children are made in His image and have the capacity to utilize God’s communication system to impress our thoughts and feelings upon intelligent matter. As we impress our thoughts and feelings upon this intelligent matter, we create things as well.

One of the best explanations I’ve seen for how this works is Dr. Michael J. Duckett’s DVD, The Progression. It explains far beyond what the movie The Secret taught and answers many questions that it did not address.

In The Progression, the terms “God” and “Mind of God” are used to denote the combination of both the thinking stuff and God’s communication system.

It’s common for people to call God’s communication system “God.”  Personally, I would say that God is the Glorified Being from whom this light radiates. But, I suppose this light is God the same as a strand of my hair is “Marnie.” It’s part of me, it’s from me, it’s extending out from me. It’s not a complete depiction of me, by any stretch, but it is an extension of me for sure. Where you see my hair, you know I’m nearby. 🙂  So I won’t quibble over terminology any more.

Dr. Duckett brings up several important points in The Progression that are lacking in other explanations I’ve seen: The following are a few.

1) The intelligent matter will obey what you give your focus, faith and feeling to — whether that’s something wanted or unwanted, “good” or “bad.”

2) Honesty and integrity are critical. The intelligent matter works best when it is operated upon through God’s communication system. When the intelligent matter is acted upon via God’s communication system, it responds more readily in positive ways. In essence, it knows it can trust the being that is giving it commands. In order to use God’s communication system, one must be aligned with integrity, love and the promotion of good.

3) One must take immediate action upon impressions in order to receive more inspiration and direction.

4) Dr. Duckett emphasizes the role of love and seeking the good of all. Because God is love and His communication system requires good intentions, one will be more successful in using God’s laws for their highest good when he or she lives in harmony with love.

I’ve been so impressed with The Progression that I’ve agreed to help Dr. Michael Duckett get the word out about it. You can view a segment of the DVD here. That is my affiliate link. If you like the movie and would like to be an affiliate too, there’s a link on that page with details. I anticipate this DVD will become very popular in the days ahead.

You Don’t Need It Until You Need It

I was talking to a friend about the big vision she has for her “life purpose project.” It’s one of those grand ideas that come through inspiration . . . the kind you know God wants you to pursue and which ties in masterfully with your life purpose. The challenge is that it’s so big it feels daunting and she knows there’s no way she can possibly achieve it on her own. Perhaps you know the feeling?

Dozens of questions run through my friend’s mind… “What if I don’t get this item or that resource? How will I support myself if I’m giving all my time and energy to this project? What if someone steals my idea?”

I’ve spoken to her for almost a year about this and encouraged her to go ahead and get some people together and take some initial steps, but it’s never happened. Then, in a moment of epiphany, she realized that God was just waiting on her to walk forward. She realized that she needs to take what action she knows to take and trust God to bring her the pieces she needs when she needs them. I chuckled when she told me this and she noted, “You’re laughing at me… why are you laughing?”

My response was, “By George, I think she’s got it!”

I’m sure she doesn’t remember the dozens of times I tried to tell her this very thing. Funny how you can’t convey this to people… they just have to “get it” in their own way in their own time. Isn’t Heavenly Father amazingly patient?!

I know He’s been ever-patient with me over the last few years as I’ve been learning this very same lesson. He’s been tutoring me in how to have faith, step into the darkness, and trust that what I need will be brought to me when I really need it.  I’ve learned that what you “need” is rarely brought to you before the very last moment.

Wallace Wattles said it this way, “by faith the thing you want is brought to you and by action you receive it.” Action is necessary, crucial and utterly irreplaceable. In God’s eyes, you don’t need it until you need it. Furthermore, if you aren’t moving your feet as far as you can move them, He won’t give you what you think you need. Frankly, you don’t need it yet!

Think about it from Heavenly Father’s perspective. He’s given you a big vision. He’s prompted you with an action to take. If you don’t take that action because you’re afraid of what will or won’t come next, then what does that say about your faith in Him? If you don’t have faith to do the little things, what makes you think you have sufficient faith to do something miraculous? Inaction on spiritual promptings is a sign that you need to build some faith muscles. He’ll help you build those muscles by

  1. making you wait until the very last possible second so you recognize His hand and learn by experience that He won’t drop you; and
  2. not giving you the very thing you think you need until you learn to listen to Him and do what He tells you to do . . . one step at a time.

This is why God rarely gives you tomorrow’s solutions today. Jesus taught it this way, “Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof” Matthew 6:34.  Today holds within it today’s solutions. It seldom holds tomorrow’s because God is trying to teach you to walk by faith. He wants you to do everything within your power — everything you know to do to take action toward your goals. Then He will step in and bring you what you need when you need it.

Set your intention, pray for a confirmation from the Lord that you’re on the right path and then walk forward in faith, trusting that the next thing you need will be brought to you. It will be, if the course you are pursuing is in alignment with God’s will for you (if you’ve gotten the confirmation, then you’ll know this)!

When Jesus sent forth his disciples to preach, to teach and to heal, He sent them without purse or scrip. Just before his crucifixion when He had his disciples gathered around Him He said, “When I sent you without purse and scrip and shoes, lacked ye anything? And they said, Nothing” (Luke 22:35).

Neither will you lack anything if you walk forward in faith on the path God has shown you. Doubt not, fear not, be believing, and act now on the circumstances, people, and things in your current environment. Do your part, and trust God to deliver what you need next . . . no sooner . . . and no later than you absolutely need it.  It actually becomes fun to watch Him pull through in miraculous times and ways. I challenge you to stop fretting and enjoy the journey!