Ignite Your Biz with Prayer – Day 55

Dear Father in Heaven,

Jesus said whatever things we desires when we pray, we should believe that we receive them, and that we shall have them. (Mark 11:24)

Father, I ask Thee now for the things that I need and desire in my life, for my family and in my business. I trust that I receive them now. I know that all things that are for my highest good are mine and on my way to me now.

Just as if I’d ordered a package off Amazon and know it’s on my way to me, so surely your blessings are on their way to me and will arrive in the perfect time and way.

I give Thee all the honor and the praise.

In Jesus’ name I pray,


Ignite Your Biz with Prayer – Day 54

Dear Father in Heaven,

Fill me with Thy perfect love that all fear may be cast out of me (1 John 4:8). Deliver me, Father, from any fear of failure and from any fear of success. Eradicate all fear of loss, for I know that in Thee, all my losses are made up.

Go through the years of my life and remove any trauma from my mistakes or times when I have suffered loss in any degree. Remove the grief and replace it with rejoicing. Remove the doubt and replace it with faith. Remove the despair and replace it with hope.

For in Thee and in my Savior, I have hope.

In Jesus Name,


Ignite Your Biz with Prayer – Day 53

Dear Father in Heaven,

Please guide me to the people who need the products and services that I offer. Assist those whom I can help to be led to my web site, to my products and services, to my social media pages or my place of business. Make me a blessing to those with whom I come in contact. Help me always to provide increase and enlightenment.

Please bless those who need the products and services I offer to have the funds necessary to purchase from me. Help them to make full use of the items they purchase from me to receive maximum benefit and improvement in their lives.

In Jesus’ name I pray,


Ignite Your Biz with Prayer – Day 52

Dear Father in Heaven,

Thank You for the desires and dreams that You have planted in my heart. I know that where there is desire, there is power. You always qualifies those You call.

Thank You for the gifts, talents and life experiences I’ve been given.

Father, please make me an instrument in Thy hands that I may bless Your children. I put my fears and cares in Your hands and trust You to fill me with hope, faith and love for others.

Show me the way to go, and I will roll up my sleeves and serve.

In Jesus’ name I pray,


Ignite Your Biz with Prayer – Day 51

Dear Father in Heaven,

I know you are a God who makes blind men see.
You make the lame to walk.
And lift the burdens of the poor, weak and the sick.
There is nothing that is impossible to Thee.

Help me to see opportunities that I have been blind to in the past. Give me the ability to recognize the people I need to work with and the resources that lie dormant at my feet.

Heal whatever is broken in me. Help me run and not be weary and walk and not faint.

I put my trust in Thee forever.

In Jesus’ name


Ignite Your Biz with Prayer – Day 50

Dear Father in Heaven,

Open my eyes that I may see.
Give me the clarity and perspective of heaven and the wisdom of God.
Show me the truth in my experiences.
Reveal the opportunities that surround me.
Show me the next step to take.
Order my steps in righteousness.
Give me the courage to move forward and trust that your light will shine ahead as I do.

In Jesus’ name I pray,


Ignite Your Biz with Prayer – Day 49

Dear Father in Heaven,

Thank You for all You provide for me and for the opportunity to create wealth in my business. I remember Thee, my LORD my God, for the Bible tells me that “it is God who is giving me power to make wealth.” (Deuteronomy 8:18)

I pray that You would fill me with wisdom and understanding as Solomon of old (1 Kings 4:29) and Thy “Spirit, light, understanding and excellent wisdom” as Daniel. (Daniel 5:14) For it is through thy Spirit, light, understanding and wisdom that we gain wealth and succeed.

Father, please prosper me that those around me may prosper as well — that I may bring honor and glory unto Thee.

I ask and pray these things in Jesus’ name,


Ignite Your Biz with Prayer – Day 48

Dear Father in Heaven,

I thank Thee for forgiving me for my past mistakes. I bring before Thee now anyone who has harmed me in any way. I forgive them for what they have done.

Wherever forgiveness is lacking in me, I ask that You would purge out the pain, the hurt, the grief, the loss, the shame, and the trauma. Fill me with sweet forgiveness and divine freedom. 

I give it all to Thee and ask for Thy comfort and peace to fill my heart in place of any hard feelings. Bless those that curse me, shower blessings on those who have used me or persecuted me in any way. Forgive them and forgive me too.

In Jesus’ name I pray,


Ignite Your Biz with Prayer – Day 47

Dear Father in Heaven,

You fed the 5,000 with a few loaves and fish. Baskets were taken up in excess. You parted the Red Sea with one breath. You brought down the walls of Jericho and made the sun stand still.

You are a God of miracles who seeks to give good things to His children.

I pray that you would take my resources, time, talents and money. I give them to you as the people gave what they had to Jesus to bless and multiply.

I ask Thee, Father, to bless what I give you and multiply it that my family and I and anyone I know may be provided for with plenty and to spare.

I thank you for multiplying these resources. I know that you will.

In Jesus’ name I pray,


Ignite Your Biz with Prayer – Day 46

Dear Father in Heaven,

Father, let me abide in Thy Son that I may bring forth good fruit in my life and business, bringing glory to Thee.

Live in me. Speak through me. Teach through me. Let my hands and feet be Thine.

I know that without Thee I am nothing, but with Thee all things are possible. (See John 15:4-5,8)

Lord, help me always to abide in Thee.

In Jesus’ name I pray,
